Balti Moreno Konverentsi korraldavad Eesti, Läti ja Leedu psühhodramaatikud kordamööda üle aasta alates 2000. aastast. Seekordseks teemaks on "A Dream within a Dream"

Konverents toimub Riias
Konverentsi hind:
kuni 30.06.2022 220 eurot
alates 01.07.2022 250 eurot

Konverentsi üldise registreerimise lingi leiad SIIT

Konverentsi kava:

kell 12:00-17:15
Daniela Simmons "A Dream within a Dream" 
kell 9:00-18:00
Kate Bradshaw Tauvon - "Realizing Dreams of a Better World"
Leandra Perrotta - "Fifty Shades of Eros"
Clark Baim - "Integrating Psychodrama and Dynamic-Maturational Attachment Theory: A theory and practice workshop"
 Endel Hango - "Change Management in the Time of Turmoil"
 Mark Wentworth - "The Dreamer’s Journey"
Norbert Apter - "Let your team dream and make the team’s dream happen"

kell 9:30-15:00
Daniela Simmons "Searching for the internal "Dreamcathers": psychodrama and dreamwork for coping with trauma"
Reijo Kauppila and Marjut Partanen-Hertell - "A Dream Within a Nightmare: Ecological crisis, wars- anxiety and hope"
Dusan Potkonjak - "To dream again in a group"
 Gita Paspārne - "A dream within a dream, time within a time, reality within reality - shaping conditions"
Küllike Lillestik- "The dreamer's journey stepping into the invisible through Dynamic Theatre"
Maija Ozoliņa Molokailima un Jēkabs Milzarājs - "Are you dreaming YOUR dream
Gintarė Kazakevičienė un Kristina Dulinskiene
