My life’s line as it relates to my everyday experience

Workshop with René Marineau

This expériential workshop will allow participants to construct their life’s line , to center on critical founding moments or situation , to explore them, to link them to their actual daily experiences. From there, integration and changes become possible.

The techniques and strategies to be used will include representation of each participant life’s line, clinical Playback, psychodrama and sharing in the group..

In addition, there will be time for discussion, including theoretical foundations and practical use of material drawned from life’s line.

René F. Marineau is a clinical psychologist (Ph. D.), psychodramatist and sociodramatist (PEF/TEF). He is full professor at the University du Québac, director of the Internatioanl Center for Expressive Therapy and author of a biography on J. L. Moreno.


Creative Supervision and Reflective Practice: Sustaining ourselves over Time

Workshop with Anna Chesner

This workshop is open to supervisors and supervisees, trainers, practitioners and trainees. We can all benefit by thinking creatively about our practice and about what it is we are doing when we supervise and are being supervised.

Anna Chesner has been running a cross-professional Creative Supervision Diploma course in London for a number of years. She co-edited Creative Supervision Across Modalities (JKP 2014) which brings together the key ideas of this training. In this workshop she will share in action some of the underpinning theory and creative structures that form the backbone of this training.